Friday, January 7, 2011

Learning that I cannot, in fact, have it all (by Luke)

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.

1 Peter 4:10 (NLT

As I arrived at college I was surrounded by a whole bunch of new people. I was surrounded by people like Bri and James, who could seemingly without effort sit down and play music that captivated my heart. I saw people when I went to lift at the rec center. They were literally bending the bars with the amount of weight they were lifting. I had others who were far past any mental capacity I could ever hope to achieve.

I was confused because I wanted all of this; I wanted the power of each person’s gift. I was overwhelmed and felt insecure. But gradually and through increments, God showed me that he had gifted me in my own special way and that it was ok for me to work toward learning and growing, but not ok to envy what he had given to other people. I knew this in my head, but this is the first time it really made sense to me in my heart.

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