Sunday, October 31, 2010

True Love

Hey folks, I don't have a lot of time, but I wanted to share an excerpt from my D6 curriculum this week that I absolutely loved! Read on:

"...when God revealed Himself to the people in the days when the Old Testament was written, He chose to speak to His people and dwell among them--in the form of fire in a bush or in the tabernacle at the Israelite's camp. But this was not good enough for God; He wanted to be closer.

When Jesus came to earth as a man, God ate with us, hugged us, and wept with us. But this still wasn't good enough for God; He wanted to be closer. So, God sent His Holy Spirit to fill us--mind, body, and soul. He wants to be closer to us than our own breath!"

God wants to be close to us because He loves us! We are His children! Isn't that incredible? But it's true! Let that fact resonate in your soul this week.


"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!"

1 John 3:1


  1. LOVE this, Tori! Really love it.

  2. Tori, this was exactly the content of our Bible Study last night. (Monday) I am going to send this to all my ladies. Thanks, MOM
