Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Invisible Bugs

I don’t like to kill bugs.  So I just kind of ignore them and act like they are not there.  But sometimes this becomes a problem, like when I go down to the basement and encounter a spider the size of my blind cat.  These spiders are so big and so hairy that I don’t think a regular shoe smashing would actually work—if I did that sort of thing.  But, not wanting these tarantula-sized creatures crawling in my bed late at night, I do try to dispose of them in humane ways. 

Sometimes, I put them in the toilet and let them try to fight their way to the top.  Spiders are very poor swimmers…but this way, I never actually see them die.  Other times, I scoop them up in a cup or a paper and I release them into the wild wild world—outside.  One time I bought some gizmo that I stuck in the outlet, and it was supposed to emit high pitched noise that spiders apparently hate.  Well, let me tell you, the spiders in my house LOVED that noise and came out in droves just to hear it.  Now that I think about it, maybe the idea of the spider siren was to draw them out of their hiding places so people who kill spiders could actually kill them.  I promptly removed this device.

It’s not that I’m against dead bugs.  If someone else will kill them, I will gladly let them do it, but if I have to end their life, I am always very philosophical about it and I think about this being their last day and all.

The thing is, the more I ignore the bugs, the more prevalent they become; kind of like my bad habits:  Sometimes I am disrespectful to my husband—either in speech or just in attitude.  If I ignore this, letting the disrespectfulness live in our marriage, I erode his headship and create dissention.  Sometimes I speak harshly to my children.  If I refuse to kill this lack of grace-fullness, I damage my kids’ spirits and invite rebellion.  Sometimes I judge others, forgetting that Philippians 1:3 says to consider others more important than myself; this wrong thinking causes me to be proud—and to not reflect Jesus’ humble spirit accurately to the world.

If God says “Do not grumble”, then I need to kill my complaining.

If God says “Do not worry”, I must take this seriously or this habit will become uncontrollable.

If God says “It’s all under control”, I have to stop looking for my own solutions (because like my electronic bug zapper—it will only make the problem worse).  Remember Abraham and Sarah---and Hagar and Ishmael?  That didn’t work out so well, did it.

Big bad bugs and big bad habits—both real—both scary—both in need of extermination…so I’ll work on the habits…and hope the spiders die of natural causes—like drowning.

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise,  making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.  Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.

Ephesians 5:15-17

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