Monday, October 14, 2019

'member that time?

Hey friends, I had a busy weekend and am just trying to catch up, so I'm talking a break today from the devos to share a couple of 'member that time? Monday posts from January and October 2011.  But first, a little context:  

When I was 7 years old, my mom taught high school kids with learning disabilities.  One of those kids was named Bruce Campbell.  Bruce was the youngest of 9 kids and he had faced some tough of them was being homeless at 17.  Since my mom was his teacher and had developed a close relationship with him, she and my dad took the "Foster Care" classes required by the state of Minnesota (where we lived when I was young), and after completion, brought Bruce into our home as part of our family for a time. I was thrilled to tell everyone that I had a big brother! Even though Bruce eventually moved out on his own, my parents have maintained contact with him over the years.  Bruce is now in his early 60's, but every time I think of him, an artistic, long-haired, soft-spoken teenager shows up in my brain.  

Today, Bruce had a stroke and is in the hospital with an uncertain prognosis.  Will you pray with me for my dear foster brother as you read about him in the posts below?  God is good and he is listening.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

‘member that time?

'member that time when the gerbil died in the winter and our foster brother Bruce, was babysitting us? And member how he didn't know what to do with it when it was dead and he put it down the garbage disposal and it sounded really crunchy for a long time? 

Member that? 

It made me have bad dreams. I miss my crunched up gerbil.

Monday, October 3, 2011

‘member that time?

This ‘member that time is for my foster brother, Bruce, whose birthday is tomorrow.  Happy Birthday Bruce! 

‘member that time when Bruce got me a brown fuzzy rabbit for my birthday and member how I named it Tarzan?  And member how one lazy summer day I went out to feed my beloved pet and his head had been ripped off by a dog or some other ferocious beast?  

member that?  That was an unpleasant experience for an 8 year old.  Not to mention gross. No more swinging in the jungle for that Tarzan. 

Pretty sad stuff, huh?  But I have recovered by now and developed into a normal human being even after that horrific experience.

And I even have more pets and all of them still have their heads.

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