Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So, I only have a few minutes and I realize that it is July 2oth and I have only posted twice! this month, but here are a few things that have been rolling around in my head:

I just finished To Kill A Mockingbird and loved it! As an avid classics reader, I'm a little embarrassed to say that I had never read it. I fell in love with Atticus, the father, and the way he always thought the best of people--even bad people--by saying, "You know, that's just their way..." He refused to let unwholesome words come out of his mouth when discussing others and I really admire that about him. I want to be more like Atticus.

I have also been reading the book of Esther and am awed by how loosely Esther holds onto her life. When her uncle Mordecai encourages her to go and talk to the king about the planned annihilation of the Jews, she tells him that anyone who approaches the king uninvited could be killed on the spot unless the kings extends his scepter to them. Esther continues to consider her fate and then tells her beloved uncle, "I will go to the King, even though it is against the law. AND IF I PERISH, I PERISH." What a cool testimony of someone who fully trusts God with their very life. I want to be more like Esther.

My dog has been limping and probably needs to have surgery to repair a ligament, so we have been keeping him cooped up in either the porch or his kennel for nearly three weeks now to see if it will heal itself. It is a slow, boring time of possible healing for Neo and he doesn't like it. And he wishes he could run and play, but he can't because we won't let him. But you know what? Even though Neo doesn't understand why we are restricting him (and he probably thinks it is kind of mean) he still loves us the same as always and he trusts that we know what we are doing. Just because he is uncomfortable doesn't make him judge us "unfair". Neo trusts his masters implicitly. I want to be more like Neo.

Most importantly, though, I want to be like Jesus. And being more like Atticus and Esther and Neo will make me resemble Him more. May it be so.

"May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it. "

I Thessalonians 5:23-24

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