Sunday, July 8, 2012

Who I am to YOU

The other day, I was meeting with a gal who wanted to talk.  And as she asked me some questions about marriage and life and God, I suddenly felt inept to answer. It was if Satan had taken ahold of my words and whispered, “Who do you think you are?”  and “You don’t really know what you’re talking about.”  I tried to capture those thoughts and make them obedient to Christ, being fully aware they were from Satan to make me ineffective, but the whole time I was talking, I felt wobbly and unfocused and a little insecure.  In my mind I knew that I knew the Truth.  In my mind I knew God was on my side.  In my mind I knew that my wisdom came from God alone and not from me.  But in my heart, I started to doubt myself, and my abilities, and my advice.  This same fear—that I am inadequate—has continued to plaque me this week, and I know that is exactly what Satan purposed it to do.  I have been repeating scripture about Christ’s grace being sufficient for me (2 Corinthians 12:9) and about the LORD giving wisdom (Proverbs 2:6), but I have this little voice in the back of my mind saying, “He was right you know.  Who do you think you are?”  And then I remembered this video that I had seen a few months ago…and it was so good….and so powerful…and so what I needed to hear and see.

It reminded me of who I am to Him.  I am beloved. 

And because of this fact, I am of great worth to God.

Check it out:

1 comment:

  1. When this song first came out, and even now, It really blessed my heart too! The key to helping people change is helping them to understand just how much they are LOVED and worth something! I believe that asking someone to "Try harder" or "Pick yourself up by your bootstraps" is only encouraging them to depend on themselves. And we as christians should know that even "our good works are as filthy rags". We can do nothing apart from Christ. But how wonderful is it to know that nothing depends on me...except to lean upon Jesus and allow Him to lead me! I will continue to cast my cares upon Him and He will make my paths straight. Woot!
